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Inverter Technology


What is Inverter Technology?

Keeping Your Home Energy-Efficient with Inverter Technology

A traditional air conditioning unit maintains your home’s set temperature once the thermostat lets it know the inside temperature has risen above the set temperature. Non-inverter type air conditioners turn the motor on and off in order to do this, which ultimately consumes excess energy.

What Is Inverter Technology?

Inverter technology is different. It works by adjusting the motor speed without actually turning it off; thus, saving you the energy costs of power surges to turn a unit on or off. To really appreciate just how much energy these units save, you need to understand the technology behind it.

Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning can help you maintain a comfortable temperature without costing excess energy. Book a consultation for a new air conditioning unit today by calling us at 503-378-7482.

How Does Inverter Technology Save Energy?

Think of a person running. Non-inverter type air conditioners would be the same as the person starting and stopping a vigorous run, resting, then starting and stopping again. This would exhaust anyone and of course, expend their energy.

An inverter-type air conditioner is more efficient. In this instance, the individual running would keep at an appropriate pace and continue running (without starting or stopping) and expel less energy in the process.

Decoding Inverter Technology: How Motor Speed is Controlled Within an Inverter Unit

To remain efficient, your inverter air conditioner would go through four stages to control the motor’s speed:

  1. Operation by Magnet and Electric Current – The motor contains two magnets (one permanent and the other electromagnet that produces force via electricity).
  2. Direction of Current – The north and south poles of the electromagnet are determined by the electric current’s direction. When the current reverses itself, the north and south poles equally reverse.
  3. Rotating the Motor by Switching the Current Direction – Once the magnets come into contact, a force occurs between both poles and a repulsive force occurs between north-on-north poles and south-on-south poles. The motor then rotates from the attractive and repulsive forces caused by this change in polarity.
  4. Inverter Adjusts Speed – The inverter inside the motor then rotates toward the direction of the electrical current of the electromagnet. This regulates the speed inside the motor and controls the switching speed.

Prefer to see an inverter air conditioner in action to fully grasp what is inverter technology? Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning can help you find the right air conditioning unit for your home. We can also add-on options that help purify your home’s air – giving you comfort in all aspects.

Schedule your consultation for a new air conditioning unit. We proudly serve customers in Salem, Keizer, Silverton and surrounding areas. To schedule an appointment, call 503-378-7482 or fill out an online form.

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