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Learn About the Pros and Cons of a Ductless Mini-Split Heat Pump

A ductless mini split heat pump is an excellent option for many homes, offering a wide range of benefits. While this technology offers unique advantages, it also has some limitations. Doing your research can help you determine if a ductless mini-split heat pump is the right option for your home.

Here’s a look at the benefits of mini split heat pump systems.

ductless mini-split heat pump

Zoned Control

 One of the significant benefits of mini-split heating systems is the ability to control temperatures in individual rooms or zones. Zone control enables personalized comfort and further energy savings.

Energy Efficiency

 Mini-split heating systems are known for their high energy efficiency. These systems deliver conditioned air directly into different zones, which helps to reduce energy loss and lower your utility bills.

Flexible Placement

 Mini split heat pumps offer flexibility in placement. A mini-split heat pump can be mounted on a wall, suspended from the ceiling, or even placed on the floor, fitting effortlessly into various room layouts.

Easy to Install

 Ductless mini-split heat pumps are easier to install compared to traditional Heating and Air Conditioning systems that need a lot of ductwork. This not only cuts down installation time but also reduces costs.

Here are some of the cons of mini-split systems.

Upfront Cost

 While they offer savings in the long run, the initial investment for mini-split heat pumps can sometimes be higher compared to traditional heating and cooling systems.


 Some homeowners might find the appearance of the indoor units less appealing. Though they come in various designs, blending them into the home’s decor might be challenging.

Maintenance Requirements

 Regular maintenance is essential for a mini split heat pump. Neglecting this can lead to decreased performance and lifespan.

Contact Professionals to Learn More About a Mini-Splits Heating System

 Ductless mini split heat pumps provide a modern solution to heating and cooling. These systems are great due to their energy efficiency, ease of installation, and personalized comfort. However, they do have a few drawbacks, which is why it’s a good idea to reach out to professionals.

At Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning, we can help you decide if a ductless mini-split heat pump is the right choice for your home. Our experienced team can also answer any of your heating and cooling questions. Feel free to give Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning a call today to learn more!

5 Reasons Why Modern Air Conditioners Are More Energy-Efficient

An air conditioner often takes up a significant portion of your energy bill. Keeping your home cool can be especially expensive during the summer months. One way to keep these costs down is to invest in a modern air conditioner for your home. New air conditioner models are much more energy efficient compared to older systems, and you can often save anywhere from 20% to 40% on your utility bill. 

Most air conditioners will last 15-20 years before needing a replacement. An HVAC company specializing in air conditioning services can easily install a brand-new unit for your home. Learning more about the different technological advances for modern air conditioners is well worth your time if you are considering an upgrade.

Here are the main reasons why modern air conditioners are more energy efficient.

air conditioning services

1) Smart Thermostats

 Smart thermostats have become much more popular in recent years as they allow homeowners greater control over their heating and cooling systems. These thermostats are designed to learn your daily routine and preferences, enabling them to adjust the temperature accordingly. You can also change your settings or create a schedule to match your needs best.

Over time, this results in less energy waste, as the system only runs when necessary and in the most efficient settings. Smart thermostats can even be remotely controlled via smartphone apps, allowing homeowners to monitor and adjust their system’s performance. You can also replace your existing thermostat with a smart thermostat to experience these benefits.

2) Use of Two-Stage Compressors

 Two-stage compressors are another feature found in many modern air conditioners. Unlike traditional single-stage compressors, which operate at full capacity whenever the system is running, two-stage compressors can operate at both a high and low capacity depending on the home’s cooling demands. 

Using a two-stage compressor allows the air conditioner to use much less energy during periods of lower demand, such as during cooler days or when the home is unoccupied. Making sure a new AC is a two-stage compressor is always a good idea before installing a new system. Two-stage compressors are a great way to prolong the lifespan of your air conditioner due to their innovative design.

3) Better EER and SEER Ratings

 One of the most significant improvements in modern air conditioners is the improved Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) and Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) ratings. SEER is a measurement that rates the cooling efficiency of an AC system throughout an entire cooling season, while EER measures the efficiency at a specific outdoor temperature. 

Higher SEER and EER ratings indicate a more efficient unit, meaning it uses less energy to cool your home. Modern air conditioners must have a minimum SEER rating of 13, while older models may have ratings as low as 6. Today’s air conditioners can be up to twice as energy efficient as their predecessors, saving homeowners a significant amount on their energy bills.

4) Mini-Split Systems

 Ductless mini-split systems have emerged as a popular alternative to traditional central air conditioning systems. These units consist of an outdoor compressor and at least one or more indoor air handlers connected by refrigerant lines. Mini-split systems are highly efficient, as they eliminate the need for ductwork, which can be a significant source of energy loss. 

Additionally, mini-split systems can be easily zoned, allowing homeowners to manage the temperature in individual rooms, further reducing energy waste. Reaching out to a company offering air conditioning services is a great way to learn more about the benefits of installing mini-split systems for your home.

5) Variable Speed AC

 Traditional air conditioners typically use single-speed motors, which operate at the same speed regardless of the cooling demand. This can result in wasted energy, as the system may not always require full power to maintain the desired temperature. However, modern air conditioners often feature variable-speed motors, which can adjust their speed based on the home’s cooling needs. 

A variable-speed motor results in a more efficient and cost-effective cooling solution, as the system consumes less energy overall. Modern air conditioners with variable-speed motors are just one of the many reasons these new systems are more energy efficient than older models.

Contact Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning Services to Learn More

 Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning provides heating and cooling services for a wide range of customers. Delivering quality HVAC services at an affordable price is always a priority. Our team also specializes in many other services, whether you need fireplace installation, duct cleaning, ductless maintenance, and much more.

Contact Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning online or call (503) 378-7482 to learn more about our heating and cooling services.

Can Excessive Heat Overwork My AC System?

Air conditioning is vital in helping you stay cool during the spring and summer months. However, it’s possible that an excessive amount of heat outside can have a negative impact on your air conditioner. Understanding the temperature differential and the limits on air conditioners can help you choose the best unit that will keep you comfortable without overworking your system or causing you to need AC unit repair services.

Here the experts from Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning have provided some tips to help you avoid breakdowns and costly AC unit repairs during the hotter months.

AC unit repair

What is Temperature Differential?

 The temperature differential is simply the difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures. Understanding the temperature differential is key in determining how efficiently an air conditioning system can cool your home. Most AC systems are designed to handle a temperature differential of about 20°F. This means that if the outdoor temperature is 95°F, your AC should be able to maintain an indoor temperature of around 75°F in ideal conditions.

Why Do Air Conditioners Have Limits?

 One of the main reasons for these limits is that the cooling capacity of an AC is based on a specific set of conditions, usually a standard outdoor temperature and a specific indoor temperature. The efficiency of this process depends on the temperature differential and other factors such as humidity and insulation. If the outdoor temperature is exceptionally high, it becomes increasingly difficult for your AC to effectively remove heat, causing it to work harder and consume more energy.

Can I Install a Bigger Air Conditioner?

 While it can be tempting to think that getting a more oversized air conditioner will solve the problem of high heat, it’s not necessarily the best solution. An oversized AC system can lead to short cycling, causing increased wear and tear on the components and reducing energy efficiency. A giant system can also fail to adequately remove humidity, leading to a damp and uncomfortable indoor environment.

Need Air Conditioning Services? Give Us a Call Today!

Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning provides HVAC services for customers throughout Salem and the surrounding areas. Delivering top-quality services is always a priority, whether you need AC unit repair, furnace installationductless mini-split services, or any other service we offer. Our team can answer any of your heating and cooling questions while providing tips on keeping your home comfortable.

Contact Melton’s Heating & Air Conditioning online today or call (503) 378-7482 for more information about using our air conditioning services!

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